BOEING 737-33A 9H-NOA BLUEBIRD AIRWAYSSecond member of Bluebird's fleet seen departing Heraklion International Airport "Nikos Kazantzakis" at a steep angle HER/LGIR 24/8/2017Paul
BOEING 737-3U3 9H-AJW BLUEBIRD AIRWAYSΠαίρνοντας θέση για απογείωση στο διάδρομο του Ηρακλείου.
BlueBird's newest jet without logos taxiing to position for takeoff on runway 27, LGIR "N.Kazantzakis"
BOEING 737-3U3 9H-AJW BLUEBIRD AIRWAYSΚατεβαίνοντας στον διάδρομο 27 του Ηρακλείου.
On final approach over the runway threshold at HER/LGIR "Nikos Kazantzakis" RWY27.
BOEING 737-3Y0 9H-TAS BLUE BIRD AIRWAYSNew plane for BB Airways at the closing of the season. Departing HER to TLV
BOEING 737-3Y0 9H-TAS BLUE BIRD AIRWAYSOn final approach over the runway threshold at HER/LGIR "Nikos Kazantzakis" RWY27