AIRBUS A340-642 EC-IZX IBERIA"Mariano Benlliure", 13/1/2015 in Madrid - Barajas AirportNikolas A.
AIRBUS A340-642 EC-LCZ IBERIAThe mighty wing appearing like hanging over the bushes on the holding point of runway 03L, Athens Intl. Airport ATH/LGAV. Stored from 03/2020 on Madrid Barajas due to Covid Pandemic
AIRBUS A340-642 EC-LEV IBERIAPainted in new livery colors, the flag of Iberia's fleet "Isaac Albeniz" is resting in LEMD - Madrid Airport in January 2015Nikolas A.
AIRBUS A340-642 EC-LFS IBERIALanding rwy 03L Athens Intl. Airport ATH/LGAV on 19/7/2017