Template:Str find

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50px Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]


{{Str find|text|sub_string}} = Position of first appearance of sub_string in text.


In the examples, the string to be searched is Abcdefghijklm:

  • A; 1
  • a; -1
  • def; 4
  • klm; 11
  • zyx; -1
  • empty;klm;-1
  • empty;empty; 1

  • Case sensitive.
  • Returns -1 if sub_string not found
  • Character position is 1 based (not 0 based as usual in calculations).
  • Warning: if sub_string is empty, then this routine will return 1 !!! This case will often have to be handled specially.


This is the TemplateData documentation for the template used by the new VisualEditor.

Str find

A template to find the numeric position of first appearance of ''sub_string'' in ''text''

Template parameters
Text1The text to search withinstringemptyrequired
Sub_string2The string to be searched within the textstringemptyrequired